BeautifulSoup - A Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents

BeautifulSoup is the most widely used library and tool for Python Web crawling. (BeautifulSoup official document)

Web crawling or scraping refers to scratching webpages to extract data. A web crawler is a computer program that automatically navigates webpages.

Python and BeatifulSoup make it easy for non-technical or introductory people who are not familiar with programming to crawl.

In the BeautifulSoup crawling example, we use the Requests and BeautifulSoup libraries.

Requests and BeautifulSoup are included in the Anaconda Package by default, but if not installed, proceed with the installation first.

Install Requests

pip install requests

At the command prompt, use the above command to install it.

Install BeautifulSoup

pip install beautifulsoup4

Similarly, install from the command prompt via the above command.
